Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding or AUB is dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus via vagina. By abnormal it means that the bleeding is frequent, lasts excessively long, is heavier than normal, or is irregular. Statistics show that around one fifth women in reproductive age get affected by this condition.
There could be various reasons for abnormal bleeding including ovulation problems, fibroids, tumor, cancer and many more.
Abnormal uterine bleeding could be tricky to identify. It is when the bleeding occurs outside of the normal monthly period.
The common symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding are:

- Bleeding between your periods
- Heavy flow during period
- Bleeding after sex
- Bleeding after menopause
- Periods lasting for more than 7 days
- Irregular periods
There could be a variety of causes for abnormal uterine bleeding. The most common possible causes are:

- Hormonal imbalance
- Excess Stress
- Intrauterine devices
- Polyps or fibroids
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Menopause
- Pelvic infection
- Ovarian tumors or cysts
- STD or Sexually transmitted Diseases
- Certain medication and diseases
- Uterine Cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Vaginal lacerations
- Blood coagulation disorders

The diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding starts with general questionnaire about overall health, detail menstrual history that could be followed up by a pregnancy test, abdominal and pelvic examination.
Other diagnostic tools include:

- Ultrasound to look for fibroids or polyps in the uterus
- PAP smear
- Hysteroscopy, in which a tiny instrument with a camera is inserted in the uterus and the images are checked on an attached monitor.
- A Biopsy might be needed to tests tissues extracted from the uterus
- Blood tests are done to get details on diseases like cancers or other blood disorders
- CT scan and MRI to get detailed picture of uterus and surrounding structures
The treatment of AUB depends upon underlying causes. After a proper diagnosis the doctor along with the patient could start on the AUB management plan.
The common treatment options are:

- Hormone treatments like birth control pills and other hormone treatments are given to deal issues with irregular menstrual cycles
- Intrauterine hormone devices can also be inserted to treat heavy bleeding
- Tranexamic acid is used to help with blood clot and control heavy uterine bleeding
- Endometrial curettage
- Endometrial ablation is used to get rid of uterus lining to get relief from heavy flow
- Myomectomy is a treatment option to treat fibroids
- Hysterectomy is done to remove the uterus completely and is required in cases where other options are not working

It is very important to get treated for AUB or dysfunctional bleeding. If not diagnosed and treated timely the underlying disease could progress by time. It could also create other complications including infertility, blood loss, anemia and even cancer.
If you have been experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding, please contact us at +91 8108120140 to find out the cause.
Don’t assume it is perimenopause or anything else without doctor’s confirmation. To know more about abnormal uterine bleeding and its advanced treatment, Consult Dr Leena Patil.